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Relevant consent forms, informed risk acceptance and other documentation will be accessible online and in clinic. Patients will be required to read these at home before signing the assessment form confirming that all relevant forms have been read. Alternatively, clean laminated versions can be provided, and fresh forms signed. Signed forms will be stored for 72 hours before adding them to case notes. There is no guaranteed way to stop risk, but I have assessed treatment processes and made the following changes to mitigate viral contamination.



I will be wearing a surgical mask and apron . Gloves may be worn but handwashing will be strict before physically treating.

Patients should bring a face covering or mask to cover nose and mouth to have treatment. Patients will be asked to wash their hands thoroughly on arrival and then use the paper towels provided. A window will be opened intermittently to dilute any viral contamination. Soft surfaces will have been removed  Pillows have been replaced by wipe clean varieties  for easy cleaning. Hard surfaces will be cleaned between patients with either soapy water, disinfectant or ionising solution. This especially applies to touched surfaces eg. door handles, light switches, taps, soap dispensers, flush handles and  chairs..Only one person should be in the treatment room at one time,unless you are accompanying a minor. Time is left between patients for cleaning. 



 If the patient or I do not feel well the appointment must not go ahead. You must inform me if you  have any Coronavirus symptoms, have been told to isolate, or had recent close contact with others with Coronavirus symptoms. 

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